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Vortrag: Structural racism in Britain and Germany: Why the NSU case matters

Veranstaltung der Leipziger Ortsgruppe NSU Tribunal, Städteforum Leipzig in Kooperation mit dem Antidiskriminierungsbüro Leipzig

mit Liz Fekete (Institute for Race Relations, London)

Many people in Germany look to the UK for inspiration when it comes to fighting structured racism. On the other hand, many UK anti-racists, who have been closely following the NSU case, are fascinated by the German turn of events, believing that the kind of structural change that has evaded us in the UK could be imminent in Germany. When an African-Caribbean teenager, Stephen Lawrence, was murdered by white racists in London in 1993 , and the police botched up the murder inquiry, a public inquiry was launched into his death and wider issues of police racism. Subsequently, in 1999, institutional racism‘ in the police was formally recognised by the UK government. But despite being the first country in Europe to recognise the racism of state institutions, the fight against structural racism has stalled. Disillusionment has set in, particularly after it emerged that police resources have been used for the purpose of spying on anti-racist, left and environmental movements. What can be learnt from the thirteen years of campaigning that has followed the Macpherson inquiry into the Stephen Lawrence case? And how can UK set-backs be used as a means of illuminating a path for those struggling against racism in Germany?

Die Veranstaltung wird auf Englisch stattfinden.

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